Monday, December 30, 2019

How The English Changed North America Essay - 1639 Words

For civilization to evolve, changes must be made. Imagine what the world would be like if the Natives were just alone and no country migrated to North America. Would technology even exist? Would the main weapons be just spears and arrows? Would medicine be invented so people could live long lives without dying of diseases? These are questions that will never have to be answered because the world evolved into a much bigger and better place. The English changed North America no matter what the cost was. Some may argue that the English are the ones to blame for King Phillip’s War, but that is not the case here. The Indians did not want change and overall, it did not work out real well for them. In this case, the war was brutal on both sides. The Natives did not change their customs as much as the English wanted them to. By not assimilating to European values and customs, the Natives caused the war over hatred of English values and traditions and made the world a dangero us place to live in. Daniel Richter was the author of Facing East from Indian Country and Jill Lepore wrote The Name of War. Lepore made some very interesting points that will be discussed that can make the Natives look like savages, but the English were not angels either. King Phillip’s War is one of the most brutal wars in America and there really was not anything good about it. Mistakes were made and history was changed. Richter took a standpoint that focused on the English pushing away theShow MoreRelatedThe Colonization Of Europeans Into The North America1555 Words   |  7 PagesThe time period between the 1600s and 1700s was a time of a major change in the land of the New World. The colonization of Europeans into the North America had considerable impacts on the Native American lives. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay on Loss of Religion in Night, by Elie Wiesel

What is religion? The dictionary states that religion is: â€Å"Possessing beliefs concerning the nature and purpose of the universe and the supernatural† (A student’s Dictionary 268). Different cultures have different definitions for the word religion. However, they all have one characteristic in common, faith. The Jewish, for instance, believe in God and that the Messiah will come in the future to bring them once again to the land of Israel. They continue to wait for Him to come. Over time, the Jews were shunned by many people. Hitler pushed all the blame for his, and his people’s troubles on the Jewish people, which then started the holocaust. The holocaust annihilated millions of people many of which were Jews. Six million Jews, making up†¦show more content†¦Over the course of his time there, he is worked hard and witnesses horrific deaths. Because of all the traumatic events that occurred, he lost faith in the God he once believed in unconditionall y. John Roth, author of In the Beginning, explained that the holocaust could only have happened if there was no God (35). However this is not true. In actuality, Eliezer explains that there is a God, he just does not believe in His power anymore. Elie does not say that he has become an atheist or that God had died as many people believe† (Brown 72). Elie simply does not believe in Him because of all the events that occurred while he was in the concentration camps. The concentration camps were places of suffering. Elie described his first night at the concentration camp. â€Å" ...Never shall I forget the little faces of the children , whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky. Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever† (Wiesel 32). Elie was a child, pretending to be older in order to survive. Elie was not much older than the children that were too young to work and were murdered because they were of no use to the Nazis. Being as young as he was, the holocaust affected his life greatly. Children are more susceptible to events that happen to them. They tend to remember the more prominent events in their lives. The holocaust was a very prominent event in Elie’s life and because of it, he lost his faith. Since he was so young heShow MoreRelated Faith lost in God Essay697 Words   |  3 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The book Night by Elie Wiesel, tells a story about a young rel igious boy who begins to lose his faith in God at such an early age. The book deals with the tragedies as well as the occurrences which has happened during the Holocaust and at the Nazi concentration camps. The young boy named Elie Wiesel deals with the death of his family as well as the painful times during the Holocaust. There are many representations in this book on how Elie Wiesel is shocked with trama atRead MoreEssay Symbolism in Elie Wiesels Night860 Words   |  4 PagesSymbolism in Night by Brooke Justus Elie Wiesel uses several types of figurative language in Night. In his novel, Elie’s use of symbolism is most important in helping the reader understand the horrors of his experience during the Holocaust. The first and most prevalent example of symbolism in the book is the title itself. By calling the novel â€Å"Night† it is apparent to the reader that the Holocaust was a dark experience, full of terror and suffering. The entire novel is filled with â€Å"last nights†. ElieRead More Loss of Faith in Elie Wiesels Night Essay796 Words   |  4 PagesLoss of Faith in Elie Wiesels Night Night is a dramatic book that tells the horror and evil of the concentration camps that many were imprisoned in during World War II. Throughout the book the author Elie Wiesel, as well as many prisoners, lost their faith in God. There are many examples in the beginning of Night where people are trying to keep and strengthen their faith but there are many more examples of people rebelling against God and forgetting their religion. The first example ofRead MoreEliezer Wiesels Relationships1270 Words   |  6 Pages Elie Wiesel was a young boy, when his life changed drastically. He was born in Sighet, Transylvania, which is now Romania. He was born to Shlomo and Sarah, which they had four children, Hilda, Bea, Tsiporah, and Eliezer. Wiesel and his family practiced the Jewish religion, before he was forced into the concentration camps. In the novel Night, Elie Wiesel had a strong belief in God. When Elie and his family were sent off to the concentration camps, he tested his belief in God. In the novel NightRead MoreNight by Elie Wiesel Essay1016 Words   |  5 PagesNIGHT Introduction The Holocaust was the attempt by the Nazi regime to systematically exterminate the European Jewish race during World War II. The Holocaust was a reference to the murder of around six million Jews and other minority groups such as homosexuals, gypsies and the disabled (Wiesel, 2008). In the 1930’s the Jewish population in Romania was around half a million. However, during World War II most of those Jews sent to the labour barracks or death camps (Wiesel, 2008). Set theRead MoreNight by Elie Wiesel646 Words   |  3 PagesTen years after WWII, Elie Wiesel’s novel Night was published in 1955. Night describes â€Å"his memories of life inside four different Nazi death camps,† as he was one of the few Jews to survive the Holocaust during WWII (Sanderson). Wiesel’s autobiographical novel makes him â€Å"the best-known contemporary Holocaust writer and novelist,† and reveals the impact of the concentration camps on humanity and for the individual (Sibelman).As a negative Bildungsroman, Night depicts â€Å"a coming of age story in whichRead MoreEssay on Night by Elie Wiesel920 Words   |  4 PagesNight by Elie Wiesel Night, By Elie Wiesel is a devastatingly true story about one mans witness to the genocide of his own people. Living through the horrifying experiences in the German concentration camps of Auschwitz and Buchenwald, Elie sees his family, friends and fellow Jews starved, degraded, and murdered. In this essay I will address three important topics expressed throughout the course of the book. First, I will discuss the struggle and eventual loss of religiousRead MoreElie Wiesel Night Reflection794 Words   |  4 PagesElie Wiesel was born in the Romanian town of Sighet. His parents came from Orthodox and Hasidic Jewish families. Both of hi parents died in the Nazi concentration camps, as did his younger sister; his two elder sister survived. After the war, Wiesel went an Orphanage in France, studies at the Sorbonne, and became a journalist. The name of the book is call the Night. It were written in the 1955-1958. It also were written from South America, France. The book was published in Argentina, France. TheRead MoreNight and Dawn - A Comparison of Elie Wisels writings1547 Words   |  7 PagesNight and Dawn Night and Dawn, both written by Elie Wiesel, are two books that have changed the way people view life and death. Night is a story of the Holocaust that occurs in the time frame of the mid-1900s. Elie, the author and the main character of Night, tells of the horrific years he spent in Germanys concentration camps. During this time period, millions of Jewish people were shot by merciless Nazis. Dawn focuses on a young boy Elisha who is recruited into a terrorist organization afterRead MoreSimilarities And Differences Between Night, And Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee And Night By Elie Wiesel1392 Words   |  6 Pages Compare and Contrast: Night and To Kill a Mockingbird There have been many novels over the years that have sparked conversations about human rights. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and Night by Elie Wiesel are two novels that have done just that. Night depicts a firsthand account of the horrors the Jewish people faced during the Holocaust. A similar story is told in To Kill a Mockingbird with the plights of African Americans in the south. Although these novels take place over during

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Salvation Free Essays

Initial thesis statement: Is salvation â€Å"by faith alone† (according to Luther) or must there be a â€Å"cooperation of faith and works† in salvation (according to the Roman Catholic tradition)? My initial answer to this question before I began this study was that of the Roman Catholic tradition, one must have the combination of both faith and works. Although faith plays a big part of salvation, I tend to believe without both works and faith you may not receive it. 2) First view: Salvation is â€Å"by faith alone† is held to be true by many people. We will write a custom essay sample on Salvation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Perhaps the most popular figure from the European Reformation, Martin Luther, noted for his doctrine of justification by faith alone was one who believed that only faith was needed for salvation, and he also held true that God provided everything that is necessary for justification. In 1528 Luther spoke out about salvation saying, â€Å"This faith alone, when based upon the sure promises of God, must save us; as our text clearly explains. And in the light of it all, they must become fools who have taught us other ways to become godly. †¦ Man may forever do as he will, he can never enter heaven unless God takes the first step with his Word, which offers him divine grace and enlightens his heart so as to get upon the right way. † Another important person who was on the side of salvation through faith alone is Paul. He uses a passage from Ephesians to support of his idea. â€Å"For it is by grace you have been saved through faith-and this is not from yourself, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast. † He puts the emphasis on the fact that salvation is by faith alone.Paul later goes on to say â€Å"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. † That being said, we as humans are created to do good works, but reach salvation through faith alone. Yet another passage suggesting that we must only have faith is â€Å"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. † 3) Opposing view: In contrast to Luther’s view, the Roman Catholic view states that salvation is by a â€Å"cooperation of faith and works. James 2:17-18: In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, â€Å"You have faith; I have deeds. † Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. This creates a big contradictory in the bible. Although some may say deeds are not needed, in this very passage we are told without them our justification ceases to exist. One verse that simply breaks down and gives a great example of salvation through faith and works is James 2:20-26 that states: â€Å"20 You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless?Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22 You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. 23 And the scripture was fulfilled that says, â€Å"Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,† and he was called God’s friend. 24 You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone. 25 In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction? 6 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. † In this passage are two great examples of two differen t people that receive salvation through both their work and faith in God. They didn’t know exactly what was going to happen when they listened to the word of God and did as he told them, but through faith in him they were able to do so and reach justification. They had never seen God but were put in the position to decide whether or not he existed. 4) â€Å"Critical Realist†: With respect to this doctrine I agree with the Roman Catholic tradition that salvation must have a cooperation of faith and works.The reason I still hold this to be true is that throughout the bible and other readings the support behind the idea of works and faith both being crucial to receiving salvation is much stronger than those of Luther. Luther made some great points that through faith, works is automatically going to be inclusive. He also made the point that God makes the first step to giving you all the things necessary to obtain salvation. However, I believe that if someone is faithful in the lord God and wants to be welcome to salvation, then in the rocess of life the works will come naturally to that person. On the other hand if someone is said to be faithful in God and do something harmful or bad to another person, then that so-called faithful person has gone against his/her faith in doing so causing them to fade away from salvation. I have learned from Luther’s view that there are many supportive articles and passages. I have also learned that there are great ideas in both of these arguments, however when it comes down to choosing one of the following the Roman Catholic tradition.My initial has not been strengthened nor weakened after doing the research and studying both sides. Both sides hold a firm argument, but the Roman Catholic view just seemed to catch my attention more. 5) Final Thesis Statement: This doctrine helps answering the initial question by giving information about both of the opinions and going into detailed arguments. I would say that the answer to the initial question is the to obtain salvation, one must have a combination of faith and works.Work Cited â€Å"On Faith amp; Coming to Christ, by Martin Luther. † lt;http://homepage. mac. om/shanerosenthal/reformationink/mlonfaith. htmgt;. McGrath, Alister E. Historical Theology: an Introduction to the History of Christian Thought. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998. Print. Ankerberg, John, and John Weldon. Protestants amp; Catholics: Do They Now Agree? Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1995. Print. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. McGrath, Alister E. Historical Theology: an Introduction to the History of Christian Thought. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998. Print. [ 2 ]. â€Å"On Faith Coming to Christ, by Martin Luther. † . [ 3 ]. Ephesians 2:8-9 [ 4 ]. Ephesians 2:10 How to cite Salvation, Papers Salvation Free Essays A. Name the central character, protagonist – The main character is Langston Huges. (The author) B. We will write a custom essay sample on Salvation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Describe his/her key qualities or personality traits (complicated, stereotype, unique, round, flat, etc. ): Langston Huges is seemed as he’s full of integrity, honest to himself, sensitive, and observant. C. Who is another important character in the story, an antagonist? – Other important characters mentioned in this story are the Aunt, his friend Westley, and the pastor. II. Setting or time and place: Identify where and when the story takes place – The place is at bible church when Huges was 13 years old. III. Plot: A. What structure or design does the sequence of events follow: chronological, spatial, or order of importance? – The structure that is used in this story is chronological. A. Discuss the opening, rising action, climax (twist, surprise, turning point, and unexpected development), resolution and the denouement – The story started out in church and Huges was put into a special meeting to be seen by Jesus. You were told you were saved when you saw a light and before you knew it all the kids except Huges and Westley were remaining not being able to see the light. Westley got tired and pretended to be saved and Huges remained there for a while until he made a decision to be like Westley and got up to be pretended to be saved. Climax: When he cries late at night in bed. IV. Conflict/resolution (individual vs. individual; individual vs. society; individual vs. nature; individual vs. self? ): Huges is dealing with society so it would be individual vs society. A. What major problem is the main character faced with? Huges was attempting to be seen by Jesus and was trying to wait for a light to be saved. He’s taking things too literally. B. How does the main character attempt to solve this major problem? Langston Huges gets up and says he saw a light from Jesus. He tries to solve it by making confessions. V. Point of view: (First person, third person observer, third person omniscient? )- First person VI. Message or lesson: Can you think of appropriate expressions, proverbs or maxims that capsulate the main lesson? (Stand your ground): When you want to introduce an abstract subject to a child, you have to approach it easy and not so literal. VII. Theme: controlling or main idea: (brevity of life, loneliness, human suffering as a result of world conflicts, etc. The theme is about religion. (Religious experience as related by a child) How to cite Salvation, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Panic stricken Essay Example For Students

Panic stricken Essay Priestly has him to react this because Birling may well be confronted by a real inspector who is then going to tell him exactly the same, in which case he will have to listen. This suggests Birling himself feels he is going to be found out in which case he is bound to be panic stricken.  Gerald initially tries to cover up his role in Evas death. He does this because he was not around a lot in the summer, which Sheila states in act 1, this was because in the summer Gerald was with Daisy Renton also known as Eva Smith, so he initially tries to cover it up so Sheila will not find out. . As both Gerald and Eva are from different social standings, he would never cross the classes to leave Sheila. We will write a custom essay on Panic stricken specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Gerald is honest when he finally opens up when questioned by the inspector, as he knows the inspector knows about the situation. He knows this because he appears to have known about everyone elses situation, so obviously he is aware of Geralds.  Gerald feels guilty from the way he treated Eva. This is shown when he says she didnt blame me at all. I wish to god she had now. Perhaps Id feel better about it. As the interrogation progresses Gerald tries to hide his true feelings that he showed for Eva because he states as im rather more upset by this business I would like to be alone, which is implying he did have feelings for Eva. As Gerald returns in Act Three his attention has shifted off Eva, as he is now more concerned in finding the inspectors true identity. This appears to be because he is more interested in how the inspector knows what he knows, than Evas death. Gerald is also concerned of who the inspector might tell, if that had been a police inspector and he heard you (Gerald) confess  Gerald now thinks he and Sheila can just go back to normal after this whole situation, everything is alright now Sheila he now holds up the ring as if to say the marriage is still on. This shows his attitude towards Eva Smiths death and the responsibility he should take has not changed through out. Now that the whole ordeal is over he wants to forget everything that has happened, which shows he is/has not taken any true responsibility. Sheila is presented as being bubbly and quite outspoken. She is obviously excited about her engagement to Gerald. I think its perfect. Now I really feel engaged. Seen as Gerald ignored her all summer, he has come back and asked her to marry him. Sheila manages to be both outspoken and submissive as when she is outspoken it can be taken either way, as shown in the play, half serious, half playful, or, gaily possessively. When Sheila is told the news of Eva death, she cries and is very upset, she immediately owns up to her part. When Sheila looks at the photograph of Eva, she recognises it with a little cry, gives a half stifled sob, and then runs out. Sheila takes a vast interest in Evas story. She stays in the room throughout each interrogation, and tries to get everyone to own up to their responsibility.  As Sheila is being interrogated she never once lies about what actually happened. Sheila takes full responsibility for her actions because she feels she blew Evas last chance of I proper job it was my own fault, and she states, I was in a furious temper. Sheila has realised everyone has played an active part in Evas death and attempts to get her family and Gerald to own up to there responsibility, we cant leave it at that, and she also wants Gerald to own up as she already knows the inspector knows, of course he knows  Mrs Birling is rather snobby and upper class, as Sheila appears as bubbly and outspoken, more open to suggestion as she is told by the inspector it is partially her fault Eva committed suicide, and Sheila is willing to accept that. Where as Mrs Birling is trying to justify her thoughts. As she has accepted what has happened she appears to be looking for excuses and believes she has an insignificant part in this. .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2 , .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2 .postImageUrl , .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2 , .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2:hover , .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2:visited , .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2:active { border:0!important; } .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2:active , .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2 .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8a107d5022d36b9289b7cf213b6d15a2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Signalman by Charles Dickens and The Landlady by Roald Dahl EssayMrs Birling abused her social standard by not giving Eva the help she needed. Mrs Birling is a capitalist and upper class. Because Sheila is younger and less ingrained in the class system, she is willing to accept people for who they are not their social standing. Sheila and Mrs Birling both have very different attitudes towards their personal responsibly. Sheila has been significantly affected by this where as Mrs Birling is more worried about a public scandal. At the end of Act Two she has gone back to her complacent attitude as at the start of the play. The dramatic irony starts to come through in the play in Act Two as the audience have started to guess Eric is the father of Evas baby. The Birlings and Gerald are all involved in contributing to Evas suicide, so when Eric is the last one to be questioned, it starts to become obvious because the father of the child has not come in yet.  Each character displays different attitudes towards responsibility. It is all about class and generation. The older characters such as Mr and Mrs Birling have limited respect for the inspector and his inferences as to their culpability. This maybe due to their rigidity, to which they stick to their social standing and their concern over how Eva Smiths death will affect them and their reputation. As the younger and possibly more down to earth characters have less to loose, for instance Sheila, Eric who are younger and have more respect for the inspector and his figure of authority. Gerald is there to impress people, particularly Mr and Mrs Birling as he needs to fit into the family as Sheilas fiance.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Herbal Tea Essay Example

Herbal Tea Essay The questionnaire was conducted outside a local newsagents. People were randomly selected as they left the shop. A lot of people refused to complete the questionnaire. It took 45 mins for all 10 questionnaires to be completed. I feel the results signify a lot in the marketing of Herbal Tea.  The analysis of the questionnaires shows that no one under the age of 15 took part in the questionnaire. I feel this is may-be due to the fact that they would have been attending school. It should not make much difference to the promotion of the Herbal Tea as I think the market would not be directed to under 15s. I think under 15s would not buy herbal tea, although maybe it should have been wise to conduct the questionnaire at non-school hours, so as to prove that most under 15s would not be interested in Herbal Tea. The questionnaire shows that 6 people were female and 4 were male. I feel that this is so because more females were willing to complete the questionnaire than men were. If the questionnaire were conducted with using half female and half males, maybe the results would have been slightly different and more efficient for the marketing of Herbal Tea.  Seven out of 10 people said they drink coffee/tea regularly. This question was asked in order to find out what percentage of the market drinks tea/coffee, in order to aim the promotion at these individuals who already drink hot drinks for relaxation or taste. We will write a custom essay sample on Herbal Tea specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Herbal Tea specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Herbal Tea specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 8 out of 10 people have previously drank herbal tea, this shows that when marketing herbal tea, the majority of consumers will have already tried herbal tea, therefor we wish to aim the market at promoting herbal tea in a unique and new means, so as to encourage the people whom have previously tried it to convert to Elderberry flavour, and to convince them of trying this new flavour which is unlike the herbal tea, which they have previously tried and have abandoned. Question five was a very vital question in the marketing of Elderberry Herbal Tea. 8 out of 10 people did like the taste of the tea. This is a good amount for the successful promotion, and selling of Elderberry Herbal Tea. 8 out of 10 people is 80% which is a very satisfactory amount but we must promote ElderBerry Tea and look into adding more/less flavours in order to satisfy the 20% of people whom did not like the taste and try to have 100% of people liking the taste. Question six was all so one of the most important questions, as ElderBerry tea will be marketed to those whom already drink tea/coffee and to try convince them to change to the more natural alternative of ElderBerry Herbal Tea. 6 out of 10 people said that they would convert to ElderBerry tea after tasting. This too is also a good total. It is 60% again we must use promotion and advertisement to increase this percentage. 4 out of 10 people were aware of the medical benefits which is good, because the marketing of the product is designed to inform all consumers about the medical benefits of herbal tea, which they have not previously know.  6 out of 10 people would buy a box of 12 sachets of herbal tea for 50p-2.00, 3 would pay 3.00 and one person designed their own amount on the questionnaire, which was 10.00. This is quite unsatisfactory result in the marketing of ElderBerry Tea. It shows that people are not willing to pay a lot for 12 sachets. This would create quite a problem for the producers, as it is necessary to earn a good profit with the implementation of Elderberry Herbal Tea on to the market.  8 out of 10 people were unaware of ElderBerry Herbal Tea prior to the tasting. This shows that there is already a market for ElderBerry Tea, although I feel that this market maybe abroad and not in Ireland, as I recall two participants being British. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS It can be concluded that the introduction of Elder Berry Herbal Tea, would be of benefit and of profit making to the co-op. The co-op are progressing and are quite successful at present therefore they have can afford to advance to the next level of their businesses by introducing a new product. The research conducted has proved that the Elder Berry herbal tea will be quite a successful product because of the growing demand of herbal tea from consumers. The Product of Elder Berry is by far the most obvious ingredient to use, because of its medical benefits, colds and flu relief and unique and rich taste. Herbal medicine and teas have become most popular with the consumer, and is growing each day, so the elderberry tea would be introduced to a demanding market.  Elderberry Tea is a quick and alternative cure for colds, flu and illnesses. It has been tested and has proven to relieve symptoms faster than Lemsip(tm) and Beechams(tm).

Monday, November 25, 2019

De trop - French Expression

De trop - French Expression Expression: Pronunciation: Meaning: Register: Notes: de trop Tu as ajoutà © un morceau de sucre de trop. Il y a trois livres de trop. Tu bois de trop. Nous avons payà © de trop. De trop vs trop (de): With nouns: de trop trop de adverb of quantity de trop trop de cinq kilos de trop trop de kilos vs un morceau de sucre de trop trop de morceaux de sucre trop de sucre vs With verbs: de trop trop de type of conjugation compound verbs dual-verb conjugations de trop trop Je mange de trop Je mange trop Jai mangà © de trop Jai trop mangà © Il peut sà ©nerver de trop Il peut trop sà ©nerver De trop Je me sentais de trop. Ta remarque à ©tait de trop. De trop More Expressions with deMost common French phrasesFrench expressions used in English

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Advantages and disadvantages of the FairTax Act Term Paper - 1

Advantages and disadvantages of the FairTax Act - Term Paper Example ing the proposals into the U.S accounting framework because the most important thing is to delivering the necessary information in an efficient and timely manner. It is therefore apparent that IASB proposals will have a great impact on US GAAP therefore forcing accountants to seek modifications to their activities. Upcoming changes to U.S GAAP intend to have significant effect on revenue recognition, leases and financial instruments. Even though the standard has not been made final, the three major changes to U.S. GAAP are significant and therefore understanding how they affect one’s profession and entities operations (Gallagher, 2010). When revenue recognition, financial instruments and leases standards are finalized, they will definitely become part of U.S. GAAP and affect both private, not for profit and public entities that were previously using the U.S GAAP standards. The revenue recognition proposal will have a great influence on the way revenues will be recognized and disclosed, transactions will be accounted for, and finally the way contractual arrangements will be made as a way of improving comparability across companies, industries and capital markets. A single standard for revenue recognition that converges U.S GAAP and IFRS applicable across all industries and in all transactions is vital in eliminating the transaction and industry specific revenue recognition guidance associated with U.S GAAP (Munter, 2011). The resulting standard will be a principle based approach that will determine revenue recognition because of its ability to affect every entity’s every day accounting and transactions. Standardized revenue recognition standard for both annual and interim reporting will be applied retrospectively including any practical expedients discussed. However, transition to the new revenue recognition standard as well as the potential impacts on financial statements and introduction of new systems may take some time due to challenges of familiarity

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Submit a marketing report for BURBERRY. For a colleague who has just Essay

Submit a marketing report for BURBERRY. For a colleague who has just been promoted into the position of Marketing Manager within - Essay Example It was established by Tomas Burberry in 1856 as a luxury fashion house. Burberry is in the business of manufacturing clothing, fashion accessories and fragrances. Burberry has turned into an iconic brand by continuously reinventing itself as an exclusive luxury garments line. Burberry has four sub brands under the name- Burberry Brit, Burberry, London, Burberry Prorsum and Burberry Sport. It also has two regional brands namely Burberry Blue label and Burberry Black Label. Burberry is established as a high end, gentlemanly and classic fashion house. Performance The category of women’s wear accounts for 28.6% of the total revenue of the brand followed by the accessories. The introduction of digital marketing increased the sales of the company by 24% across the globe. 64% of the total revenue is generated from its Retail segment which includes more than 174 stores across the world. 29% of the revenue is generated from the wholesale channel and 7% revenue is generated from licensi ng. General Definition of Marketing Marketing is defined as the management process used to identify, anticipate and satisfy the requirements of the customers thereby generating revenues for the business (Brannon, 1998, p.14). Marketing involves all the aspects of pricing, selling, advertising and brand building. Marketing Burberry markets its product range to the target market through three channels: Retail, wholesale and licensing. Burberry sources and markets its apparel and accessories worldwide with huge markets in America, Spain and Asia pacific which brings around 90% of the revenue. The customers are the young millennial group of people who are loyal towards the British luxury brand. Marketing Environment The PEST Analysis of Burberry is done to analyze the macro environmental factors influencing the business. Political: Burberry should pay critical attention to the taxation policies and trade regulations when marketing their product lines outside Europe. The company sources its materials from Europe and thus is not affected by the Yuan-Dollar pegging. Economic: Burberry needs to closely monitor the inflation rates because changes in inflation rate directly impacts on the buying capacity. Social: To invest in the low penetrated markets, Burberry needs to explore the cultural factors in the potential markets (Doyle, 2006, p.15). The brand is established as highly British authentic brand suitable for the European culture. Technological: Burberry has to adopt the new innovative technologies dominating the market like social media marketing and electronic commerce. Burberry was the first luxury fashion house to launch a 3D fashion show. Environmental: Burberry has taken care of proper disposal of manufacturing waste in keeping with the environmental protection laws. The company also uses the recycling technology to benefit the environment. Legal: Burberry tries to be compliant with the legal laws though it faces a continuous problem of counterfeit products which infringes its trademarks. Techniques A SWOT analysis of the company is done to evaluate the internal and external factors affecting the business and its marketing strategies (Kotler, 2008, p.46). Strengths: The strengths of the brand include Strong celebrity endorsements to enhance the brand value. High desirability caused by high price points. A very strong brand reputation. The unique check pattern which is distinctly

Monday, November 18, 2019

Online Higher Education In UAE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Online Higher Education In UAE - Essay Example The study aimed to evaluate on general overview of E learning in UAE learning institutions.Based on the collected data from the UAE students and staffs, the information will assist the institutions to understand on the barriers affecting adaptation of the E learning system. The higher learning institutions can then begin to analyze on how to combat the challenges at their disposal. The institutions can assess the source of the faculty and students’ negative attitudes in order formulate effective measures like online games or training to alleviate the issue. The institutions can also evaluate which course programs or courses have high E learning registrations to expand their acceptability. The UAE government can also utilize the information to assess the challenges students and higher learning institutions face while using the E learning system to formulate ways of promoting its user-ability and popularity within its borders. The system being expensive to implement, the UAE gov ernment can chip in through offering free technical training or subsidies to spearhead its adaptation among higher learning institutions. This paper makes a conclusion that one of the limitations that the study is likely to face is completion irregularities of the online questionnaire. Most of the students and staffs are normally occupied or busy where they may ignore the questionnaires. Some of the questionnaires can also be returned late, hence hindering the research.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Marketing plan of a wedding reception venue business

Marketing plan of a wedding reception venue business Joanne is Looking to start up a wedding reception venue, she would like to open up a small business, as a sole trader. A business plan is one of the most important aspects when starting up a business, The business plan will make sure that Joannes wedding reception will be run successfully, organised and to the best of its ability. It will help the business significantly with time management, as it will help both the business and staff manage their time and stay organised in order to keep the business running efficiently. The plan will explain all the strategies and objectives of the business, this give Joanne a huge understanding on what she will be expecting and how she will go about in order to help the business successfully achieve its goals. The Business plan will give Joanne an in depth understanding on what is going on and what will happen within her business, some of the things it will provide include a description of the services that will be provided, the personal requirements and skills needed for the staff, a clear outline on the description and ownership of the business, and much more. A business that fails to plan, Plans to Fail. SWOT analysis is a strategic method used to evaluate and state the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in the business, within both the internal and external. Every business needs a SWOT analysis in order for it to be prepared for the present and the future. Joannes wedding reception has many Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats which are listed in the report. Each business aims to achieve specific objectives and strategies, an objective is a measurable statement of what has to be achieved, where a strategy is a way in which the business aims to achieve its objective. Joannes wedding reception is a business which aims to accomplish both its objectives and strategies to the best of its ability. Joannes wedding reception aims to achieve its ultimate goal of success through its five main objectives and strategies. These objectives and strategies are also listed in the report. Business Description and Ownership Joannes wedding reception is a business that will cater to all needs of couples who are looking to get married and would like to celebrate with loved ones afterwards. Jay Harbour is the name chosen for the business, it is a brand new function centre located at 150 Day Street, Darling Harbour; it is very spacious and has a spectacular water view and view of the entire harbour, it will deliver delicious food, great service and unforgettable entertainment and music. The legal structure of this business is registered as a sole trader; Joanne will be running an unincorporated business which has unlimited liability. She will take full responsibility for all debts incurred by the business, and will be personally liable for the financial obligations of the business. There will be fewer than 20 employees hired, as it is only a small business. The target market of this business is obviously people of all ages who are looking to celebrate their marriage. The prime function of the business is to make sure that all special occasion are just the way couples want it-elegant, memorable, and effortless, also that the business is a very successful business and advertised as best as possible, not only in the media, but also in words of mouth. The business hopes to achieve all its goals profitably and successfully in order to satisfy all guarantees and pledges to stakeholders. Purpose Of plan A business plan is as important for starting a business as a key is to a car. A business plan will provide the firm with a clear direction for the future, and will organise the business. It sets out goals for the business that want to be achieved in both the long term and in the short term. It will help the business organise its three main aspects, these are, marketing, production and management finance. The business plan will make sure that Joannes wedding reception will be run successfully, organised and to the best of its ability. It will help the business significantly with time management, as it will help both the business and staff manage their time and stay organised in order to keep the business running efficiently. The plan will explain all the strategies and objectives of the business, this give Joanne a huge understanding on what she will be expecting and how she will go about in order to help the business successfully achieve its goals. The Business plan will give Joanne an in depth understanding on what is going on and what will happen within her business, some of the things it will provide include a description of the services that will be provided, the personal requirements and skills needed for the staff, a clear outline on the description and ownership of the business, and much more. The business plan is very important and of great significance of any business, whether it is for future expansion of a business or the development of a new business, a business plan must be written. A business that fails to plan, plans to fail. Situational Analysis SWOT analysis SWOT analysis is a strategic method used to evaluate and state the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in the business, within both the internal and external. Every business needs a SWOT analysis in order for it to be prepared for the present and the future, the SWOT analysis for Jay Harbour is listed below. Strengths Preferred location of the majority of the public New and Spacious Caters to all needs of couples Catchy name Overlooks Harbour Delicious food Great Service Good music and entertainment Spectacular Water view Target market for all ages Unique Selling points Weakness Small Business New Business Joanne hasnt opened up a business before Not familiar with the industry Unlimited Liability Sole trader business meaning Joanne is personally responsible for all financial obligations Limited Funds Limited Reputation Opportunities Increasing number of couples moving to the area Geographical Location Well established position Huge amount of couples looking to get married In the city of Sydney Social Interests Threats Other more experienced businesses in the area Large amount of competitors Stronger promotions by competitors Competitors have advertised their business and have been running for a longer period of time Market Demand Economic Conditions Business Objectives and Strategies Each business aims to achieve specific objectives and strategies, an objective is a measurable statement of what has to be achieved, where a strategy is a way in which the business aims to achieve its objective. Joannes wedding reception is a business which aims to accomplish both its objectives and strategies to the best of its ability. Joannes wedding reception aims to achieve its ultimate goal of success through its five main objectives and strategies. Good Reputation is the first main objective of Joannes business, Joanne aims to start up her business with a good reputation, and maintain and improve the reputation as the business grows. Joanne is aware that she is not able to manage her own reputation; however it is possible for her to strengthen it. Strategies that Joanne will take up in order to have good reputation include: Engaging and starting up appealing advertising campaigns Joanne will pay a few loyal people who she is on friendly terms with to write blog posts and advertise her wedding reception on facebook and myspace Joanne will pay to have her wedding reception advertised on radio stations Joanne will create a facebook page in the name of her business, and keep it updated with articles, pictures, and different ways to appeal to customers The second main objective is expansion, Joanne aims for her business to expand and hopefully one day turn into a larger business, she aims to create more function rooms in order to cater for other occasions, and also remarkable rooms in which photographs can take place. Joanne can only do this and expand her business if she is financially stable enough within the future years. Strategies that Joanne will carry out in order to expand her business in the future include: Not spending money on things that arent needed, money will be spent on what customers need not what Joanne needs, money will not be spent on things that make Joannes business look good such as a company car, or a fancy office, instead the money will be used on more important things Joanne will make sure that all customers are treated with care, and are satisfied, the happier the customers are, the bigger the business will become, as they will help promote by good words-of-mouth A good working environment is another objective, Joannes aim is not only to satisfy her customers, but also her employees. She needs to do this in order to keep them motivated and stay doing their jobs to the best of their ability Strategies that will be carried out include: Having a safe working environment Giving Suitable and fair wages and payments to employees Giving employees benefits Giving employees hours which are suitable to both Joanne as the Employer, and them Catering to a wide variety of cultures is another one of Joannes main objective. Joanne aims to cater to many different cultures in order to have a variety of different people using her wedding reception. The business will be a bigger success if it is for many cultures rather than just one or two. Strategies that will be carried out include: Hiring chefs that are able to cook spectacular multicultural food Being able to design the reception according to cultures of people Being able to design a whole wedding that includes the theme of the desired culture Being able to give customers long lasting memories is the last of the businesses objectives. Joanne aims to give customers a night they will never forget. The strategies that will be carried out include: Creating a dynamic atmosphere Offer great food Unforgettable entertainment Planning the wedding for the customers from beginning to end Leaving the customer stress free Operations Description of the product or service Joannes wedding reception is a wedding venue which aims to cater to all needs of couples who are looking to celebrate their marriage. Jay Harbour is the name given to the business; it is a brand new function centre which is located at 150 day street, Darling Harbour. Joanne is looking to cater for any type of wedding, from the traditional wedding, to the modern wedding, she is willing to accommodate for small and intimate weddings with around 50 guests, to larger celebrations including up to 300 guests. Professional and friendly staff will be hired in order to ensure that every customer receives a day that they will remember. Joanne aims to take hold of all the stress which may be felt by the customers, she will leave them all free to relax and enjoy their special day at her venue, she will have a plan of approach which will help not only the customers, but also her, to organise a wedding that will remain in the hearts of the couples and their guests forever. Joanne will offer a great service, superb food, personalised service, divine wines and alcohol, and unforgettable entertainment in order to make the weddings a magical and flawless occasion. Joannes will provide easy access both in and out of the reception including both weal chair access and elevators. The venue will overlook darling harbour, and will also include a spectacular water view. A Valet entrance and a remarkable walk for the entrance of the bride and groom will be included in order to make the wedding feel more special and exceptional. Table setting wills be offered in numerous types, themes of the wedding are also able to be chosen according what the customers want, floral arrangements will all be made, and food and decorations will be offered in a variety of choices, and in many different cultures. Joannes Business will be run as a multicultural business, anyone no matter what culture they are a part of, will be able to experience the wedding of their dreams. A bar will be provided at the reception, a wide range of alcohol including many wines and champagnes will be provided. Couples have a choice between having their guest pay for the alcohol at the bar, or having an open bar, meaning the couple must pay a certain amount of money for the unlimited drinks that will be given to guests on the night. Personnel Requirements and Skills Joannes business is a small business, meaning under 20 employees will be hired, they will all go through the steps of the human resource cycle, including acquisition, development and maintenance. This is so that the people with the top skills will be hired, and so that they can continue developing their skills and knowledge, also so that the employees stay motivated and productive within the business. Waiters/Waitresses Twelve Needed Qualifications Must be neat and tidy polite, well-mannered and able to communicate well with people A good service attitude Able to work in a team A good memory in order to remember which customer ordered which dish Must have good physical health as the waiter spends most working hours on their feet Fast with serving customers Able to clean Qualification 16 years of age and over Experience Experience with customer service needed Bartenders Three Needed Qualifications knowledge of beer, wine and other alcoholic drinks drink preparation and drink service skills familiarity and awareness of liquor licensing rules and regulations good communication skills friendly and polite mature and honest adaptable and able to work well under pressure confident and considerate when dealing with customers able to use their initiative able to follow instructions. Qualification Alcohol Beverage Licence Experience Experience of 1-2 years within the alcohol industry required Chefs Four Needed Qualifications Leadership skill. Time management. Food preparation and presentation skills Financial management Able to manage finances within the kitchen Able to cook a variety of multicultural foods Works well with others Adaptable and able to work well under pressure Good communication skills Qualification Certificate or college degree from a qualified cooking school. Experience 3-4 Years of experience within the chef industry required Marketing Market Analysis Customers The target market of this business is obviously people of all ages who are looking to celebrate their marriage. Joanne is looking to cater for any type of wedding, from the traditional wedding, to the modern wedding, she is willing to accommodate for small and intimate weddings with around 50 guests, to larger celebrations including up to 300 guests. Professional and friendly staff will be hired in order to ensure that every customer receives a day that they will remember. Joannes business is willing to cater to any customers wants and needs. The Choice of the venues was made between the areas listed in the table, in order to come to a final decision of where the business will get the most customers; population statistics of the areas was gathered. It was obvious that a larger population lives in darling harbour, also, the median age there is the youngest of all the median ages in the other areas, this another advantage as it is the younger people who usually want to get married. Market size and trends Joanne aims for her business to expand and hopefully one day turn into a larger business, she aims to create more function rooms in order to cater for other occasions, and also remarkable rooms in which photographs can take place. Joanne can only do this and expand her business if she is financially stable enough within the future years. Joanne will not spend money on things that arent needed, money will be spent on what customers need not what Joanne needs, money will not be spent on things that make Joannes business look good such as a company car, or a fancy office, instead the money will be used on more important things. Joanne will make sure that all customers are treated with care, and are satisfied, the happier the customers are, the bigger the business will become, as they will help promote by good words-of-mouth Competition There are many surrounding competitors within the market which have been running for a longer time, and some which are just beginning to start up, they offer many services, however none like Jay harbour. Joanne has come up with many strategies in which to compete with its many other competitors. Joanne offers multicultural services, from foods, to themes, music and much more, majority of the other venues offer a minimum amount of cultures. Jay Harbour, also has a view like no other, the amazing water view and view of the harbour will attract many customers. Joannes prices are also very affordable, and suitable for the amount of services one will receive if they decide to have their wedding at Jay Harbour. Easy access in and out of the venue is also an advantage, as many other competitor venues do not have these elevators and escalators. Marketing Strategies The marketing strategies include product, price, promotion and place. Price is one of the most important things when you have other competitors, by having cheaper prices customers will come to your reception rather then the competitors receptions, Low and affordable prices will be offered at Jay Harbour, packages will also be offered allowing customers to pay for many things at a smaller price. However, prices will increase and decrease according to the prices of competitors. Product refers to the service of the business and what the business has to offer, Jay harbour offers many services including entertainment, good music, open bar, great view, valet parking, and much more. Place refers to where the business is located, the area that jay Harbour is located in is Darling Harbour. With an amazing view of darling harbour and the water, and an alluring atmosphere and amazing breeze, it is very hard for Jay Harbour to NOT become the number one wedding reception in the area. Promotion refers to ways in which the business will promote itself, jay Harbour will maintain consumer awareness and interest towards Eternal Happiness. The business must keep advertising through media, suppliers, provide special offers and many more in order for it to stay competitive within the market. Finance Financial Forecasts Revenue Statement $ $ Sales revenue $460 000 COGS Opening stock 50 000 Purchases/income 250 000 300 000 Closing stock 80 000 $220 000 Gross profit $240 000 Expenses Advertising 5 000 Salaries and wages 150 000 Insurance 3000 Bank charges 400 Interest paid to banks 10 000 $168 400 net profit $71 600 This indicates that profit was made for jay Harbour, $240 000 was made, where as only $168 400 was lost, meaning a profit of $71 600 was made. Balance Sheet For Jay Harbour $ $ Current Assets Cash at Bank Accounts Receivable Stock $12 000 $14 000 $30 000 $56 000 Non-Current Assets Property Equipment 150 000 21 000 $171 000 Total Assets $227 000 Current Liabilities Bank Overdraft Accounts payable $22 000 $20 000 $42 000 Non-Current Liabilities Loan $92 000 $92 000 Total Liabilities $134 000 Owners Equity Capital Profit Retained $51 000 $42 000 $93 000 Total Liability and owners equity $227 000 The current ratio of this balance sheet is calculated by dividing the current assets by the current liabilities, this is equal to 1.3, meaning the ratio is 1:3:1 Critically review the plan and process I think that I did a great job in completing the assignment, I followed my plan of approach according to all the days up to the 26/7/10 and I had no problem to hand everything in that was due by that day. I was able to do all my research and gather all my statistics and information, and put them together before handing in my assignment, I did not stress, as everything was done according to plan until the due date. I think that the assignment being set out this way was to my advantage, as it helped me not leave everything to the last minute and procrastinate. One thing that I do regret doing is leaving my report to the last minute, I think that next time I should start my report as soon as the second part of the assignment was due, as it will make me stress much less, and I would be able to do the report to the best of my ability. I did try my hardest though, and I do believe that I deserve the best possible mark I can get. Overall I believed I achieved what I planned to and was glad that I was able to hand everything in on time, despite the fact of starting my report late, I think that doing everything else prior to the report such as objectives an strategies, SWOT analysis, and much more, was a great advantage to me as all I had to do was put them together within the report. I believe that my teacher done a great job of explaining my assignment as I was able to do it all with no problems, and I was able to fly through it as it was explained properly and in depth.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Neo Nazi Skinheads :: essays research papers

Skinheads are a subdivision group of Neo-Nazis. During the late 1960s, skinhead groups organized in Britain. By the 1970s, the British National Front (NF)-the Nation Socialist Party- began to infiltrate skinhead groups. They espoused nationalism, and often staged protests against nonwhite immigration. The trend spread to other countries including the United States, and Canada. Today, skinhead groups in North America are known by such names as Hammerskins, Fourth Reich Skins, League of Aryan Warriors, and American Front.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These racist skinheads, who are known for their shaved heads and membership in hate groups, have been responsible for many violent acts. According to Merton’s anomie theory, they exhibit the fifth adaptive strategy, which is rebellion. They reject society’s goals and replace them with their own deviant goals and means.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The skinheads subscribe to Nazi beliefs, as outlined in the 1920s by the German dictator Adolf Hitler. The new Nazis (or Neo-Nazi skinheads) have formed groups or alliances with other â€Å"radical far-right people†. Radical far-right people refer to those who favor a society with one language, religion and way of life. They are often antigovernment, and usually oppose a pluralistic society. A pluralistic society is a society with people from many different language backgrounds, religions and lifestyles. Neo-Nazi groups are made up of people who despise those different from themselves. However, they often claim that those who oppose them are the ones full of hate. They also say their critics will not listen to reasonable arguments about Nazi views. Yet, their so-called reasonable arguments are usually based on partial truths or outright falsehoods.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Their philosophy is to hate everybody else that is not of the â€Å"Aryan race†. They believe that they are doing nothing wrong and they are just proud of their race and their culture.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The normal thing for a skinhead to do is drive down the street, and look for â€Å"anybody that was different†; blacks Hispanics, etc. They would then throw things such as beer bottles, and yell at the person, and if the person yelled back, it gave them a right to brutally beat them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Members of the white supremacy movement look for young, angry kids who need a family. Since the early 1990s, neo-Nazi skinheads have attempted to lure new members through music. There are people who recruit people, mostly teenagers into the Neo-Nazi movement. They mainly target junior high schools in particular and instigate fights between white and non-white kids. Neo Nazi Skinheads :: essays research papers Skinheads are a subdivision group of Neo-Nazis. During the late 1960s, skinhead groups organized in Britain. By the 1970s, the British National Front (NF)-the Nation Socialist Party- began to infiltrate skinhead groups. They espoused nationalism, and often staged protests against nonwhite immigration. The trend spread to other countries including the United States, and Canada. Today, skinhead groups in North America are known by such names as Hammerskins, Fourth Reich Skins, League of Aryan Warriors, and American Front.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These racist skinheads, who are known for their shaved heads and membership in hate groups, have been responsible for many violent acts. According to Merton’s anomie theory, they exhibit the fifth adaptive strategy, which is rebellion. They reject society’s goals and replace them with their own deviant goals and means.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The skinheads subscribe to Nazi beliefs, as outlined in the 1920s by the German dictator Adolf Hitler. The new Nazis (or Neo-Nazi skinheads) have formed groups or alliances with other â€Å"radical far-right people†. Radical far-right people refer to those who favor a society with one language, religion and way of life. They are often antigovernment, and usually oppose a pluralistic society. A pluralistic society is a society with people from many different language backgrounds, religions and lifestyles. Neo-Nazi groups are made up of people who despise those different from themselves. However, they often claim that those who oppose them are the ones full of hate. They also say their critics will not listen to reasonable arguments about Nazi views. Yet, their so-called reasonable arguments are usually based on partial truths or outright falsehoods.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Their philosophy is to hate everybody else that is not of the â€Å"Aryan race†. They believe that they are doing nothing wrong and they are just proud of their race and their culture.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The normal thing for a skinhead to do is drive down the street, and look for â€Å"anybody that was different†; blacks Hispanics, etc. They would then throw things such as beer bottles, and yell at the person, and if the person yelled back, it gave them a right to brutally beat them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Members of the white supremacy movement look for young, angry kids who need a family. Since the early 1990s, neo-Nazi skinheads have attempted to lure new members through music. There are people who recruit people, mostly teenagers into the Neo-Nazi movement. They mainly target junior high schools in particular and instigate fights between white and non-white kids.